Social Media Marketing Across Borders

By Startup

Startups like social media marketers do business across physical borders. These companies have to anticipate the eventuality of registering their businesses offshore. Not everyone is going to enjoy the success of the likes of Facebook and Apple and have to setup shop everywhere around the world. For many of them, though, it makes sense to take the initiative and seek out where business is booming or where there is potential for growth.

“[Hong Kong] opens up the lucrative China market, but also gives easy access to nearby countries Singapore, Malaysia and India. “

Given the choice, Hong Kong is definitely a prime choice to incorporate in. It opens up the lucrative China market, but also gives easy access to nearby countries Singapore, Malaysia and India. As a special administrative region of China, Hong Kong has worked their laws around to provide the most conducive business atmosphere possible, with low tax rates, privacy and noninvasive business regulations. Hong Kong itself is rated as one of the best business regions in the world, with the highest number of international companies and a reputation as one of the best places to setup offshore.

Startupr, in its capacity as an official registered agent of the Company Registry of Hong Kong, can help you in the process of online Hong Kong company formation. After checking for your company name in the Registry, you can download the order form from Startupr’s website and email, fax or snail mail it back to them. After they review the application and receive payment, they will submit the application and you need only wait for the notification email back from the Registry.

Startupr can also help process your application for a Hong Kong bank account. Due to prevailing market conditions, the only bank accepting applications for offshore accounts is HSBC. You need only forward the paperwork to Startupr after filling it out, and have your choice of making an appointment for a physical appearance in HSBC or let Startupr do everything for you.

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