5 Innovations in Digital Marketing That Filipino MSMEs Should Understand This 2019

Last June 14, 2019, I was invited as a plenary speaker by the Cebu Chamber of Commerce during the Cebu Entrepreneurs’ Summit to share my thoughts on recent innovations in the field of digital marketing.
It was a great sharing experience for me and a chance to update my knowledge of the industry. So I am also excited to share with you the presentation file that I used during the event at the end of this post.
I am publishing it here as a way of knowledge sharing and discussion since the way we conduct business in Cebu (or in the Philippines) is quite different from other cities and countries.
The innovations I mentioned here may not be new to some who are deep into the industry and digital marketing but the reality of our MSMEs in Cebu is different.
Before my scheduled presentation, I have sent out a survey asking the following questions to some of the business owners in my network. These were the questions:
- What are your current digital marketing strategies used for your business? Which ones are working for you?
- What are your challenges with those?
- Which digital marketing innovation do you want to learn more about?
Based on the responses of the business owners I’ve talked to, there is still a lot for us to learn even with just the basics of getting started. The common thread among the responses I received was the following:
- They are still exploring social media channels specifically Facebook and Instagram.
- They want to understand how best to create the messaging that drives engagement.
- They need to know how to make consistent efforts with what they started
- They want to learn how to optimize the use of the channels they are on.
All these are concerns of the MSMEs which are not the same as big advertisers and spenders. Of course, for big brands like Shopee or Jollibee or Samsung, it can be a whole integrated marketing approach along with investments in video ads, search, and other platform.
For the innovations, I have picked five that have interesting examples and of which can be explored by MSMEs to see if they can use the information about these trends to use for their campaigns.
Here is my presentation below —
Which of these do you think you can use for your business? Do you see yourself using these in the next 12 months?
Innovation in Action Digital Marketing 2019 - Talk by Fleire CastroIf you have questions on any of these or want to debate and discuss, please feel free to send me a message on Facebook or email. 🙂