10 Reasons To Intern at Third Team Media

After three (3) grueling weeks of job searching, twenty-eight (28) companies visited and three (3) interviews… I... John Romeo R. Ursal, a Marketing student of the University of San Carlos, have finally found a company that I can do my internship on, Third Team Media Business Solutions.
The place that I work was all about digital marketing, in which a type of marketing that was not fully discussed right be one of my University’s professors, or had no idea about it… but I proceeded without delay. Since it stated digital, so I thought it would involve the use of computers while doing marketing, in which it is an ace for me since I am a techie and a marketing student, it would be a bit easy for me. But alas…. It was not.
Here are my reasons as to WHY should YOU do your internship HERE in this company:
1. Everyone is friendly and we all work as a team!
When working from a company there will always be internal competitions, these individuals work as your Barkada to help you finish your tasks if need in help.
2. You will be taught everything about the Industry.
The type of industry work is kind of new since it is not widely taught at my University, considering that it was only one subject, and the CEO, Ms. Fleire Castro, will brief you as to how things play.
3.Will teach you on how to make content
I usually have a hard time making my own original content since almost all of my Ideas came from different experiences that influence me. So, they give my tips and techniques on how to make my own content and it was worthwhile, too!
4.Teach you how to use Photoshop
As for me I already know how to do Photoshop before I entered the company. But there were still some parts that I still did not know and it has been two (2) years since I last used the program so I was a bit rusty, but eventually, my proficiency of using photoshop has increased.
5. You can eat snacks in the office as you work! YAHOOOOOO!!!!!.
You can eat snacks in the office since it can help you think well and will have an increased chance to enhance or make new ideas while you work. When you have a lot of pending task and you want to eat, one of the team members may go out to buy their own snack and you can ask to buy snacks, too!
Our Head Graphics Designer holding a box of oreo stuffed red velvet crinkles.
6. Immersions!
At first I was like: Immersion??? Unsa na (What’s that)? It actually meant company visits. Visiting the company’s clients to know more about their products and plan on how to advertise them. Also to get some stock photos for poster. If you get lucky you might get a freebie!

At Golden Prince Hotel for Immersion
7. Blogging
It’s a first for me since I’m an introvert type of person. Visiting from different places to get the idea of an event and make an article about my experience, and it was a BLAST!!! Here is an article I made of said event: goo.gl/Xfgnzc . Also enjoyed some free food at the event, hehehe.
Doing Media Press at Marco Polo
8. Allowances!!! YAY!!!
Yes, you read this right, you will have an allowance when you work at the company. Most company sadly, from what I heard from my friends, don’t give you allowance for your effort.
9. Lot’s of laughs!
When we get bored in the office we talk, play music, or share something funny to keep us alive and so that we won’t get sleepy! Or we will get trouble by Miss Fleire.
Our Head Graphics Designer caught sleeping, pictured by me… Mwahahaha...
10. And a team that treats you are important and part of the family.
When you have problems that be afraid to ask for help since they will help you since we are a team. The Third Team Family.
Me with the Third Team Media Family
Thanks for reading guys and stay strong. Thank You Team for the great time I had for being an intern at your company!
A tip for the interns who are still trying to find a job and the next interns who will work at the company. A quote from my dad who help from those 3 weeks : Don’t you give up, it is part of your training. Finding a job is easy, getting in is another story.
Tagged under: digital marketingexperienceInternshipsocial media