Reasons email should be a mainstay in your marketing strategy

By Tips and Tools

These days, with the emergence of apps, blogs and social media networks, it’s easy to forget the old thing called email. Some of you may think that emails no longer work while others are too presumptuous to assume that emails do not generate enough leads.
But see here, since the birth of email more than 40 years ago, there are more than three billion email accounts worldwide. The figure is large enough not to be ignored. The population of email users is big enough not to be overlooked when creating marketing plans.
Several studies already show how email is still a cool communication strategy. It takes the right email marketing strategy for the public to take your bait.
As marketers, we understand that you only want the best for your business. At the same time, you want to be effective and efficient as much as possible, so it’s only fair and square that you ask yourself, “Does email still works?”
Our answer? Yes.

Email is an effective way to keep your existing and potential clients updated and informed.

Aside from the reason that sending emails is hassle-free, this is also an effective way for business owners and consumers to stay connected. According to Hubspot, more than 77% of consumers prefer email for marketing communication.
Take advantage of this population by connecting with people where they want to be reached. By sending out offers and updates about your business, this could be a good way to build brand awareness and generate engagements and conversions.

Email has longer lifespan than social media.

Since emails stay in your inbox unless you delete them, they have longer lifespan than other marketing channels like social media.
Based on Hubspot, 95% of online consumers use emails and 91% of them are reported to be checking their emails at least once a day.
With a large number of people checking their emails, this marketing channel is still an effective and efficient means of extending your message to your existing subscribers.

Email can easily be optimized on mobile phones.

Almost all people have mobile phones. While some use it for business purposes, it is more convenient for these business owners or marketers to have everything in sync with their mobile phones, including emails.
In fact, Forrester’s research study has shown that from 28% in 2013, the average percentage of retailers who opens their emails through their smartphones has increased to 42%. At the same time, email open rates on tablets have grew from 16% to 17%.
This figures show that email is an effective, efficient and convenient channel to use for all sizes of business.

Email makes your existing subscribers feel like VIPs.

Email gives you the luxury to make your message highly personal.
Hubspot says, “… with email, you can create a highly targeted, contextual message that’s unique to each person who receives it,” making existing subscribers know and feel they are very important persons to your business.

Email is inexpensive.

Lastly, email is an inexpensive means of extending your message to your existing subscribers.
Hubspot has shown that for every $1 you spend, you get $43 of returns, which is a “pretty good deal”.
With email marketing, you don’t have to pay a large amount of money to advertisers. This is a good start for businesses that are just new in the market and in a tight budget.
Do you want to leverage emails for your company’s success but don’t know how or where to start?  Avail of our free consultation today.
(with Mary Mae Edgilez Yburan)

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